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08.04.2024 Hitler - Agent of Freemasonry & Zionism

Conspiracy against Europe

Declarations of War against Germany 1933 - 2024

World War II > 1939 - 1945

1.) 1933 - The first declaration of war was done two days after Hitler’s seizure of power on 1. February 1933 by the Jew Henry Morgenthau.

A second declaration of war posted the English Newspaper ‘Daily Express’ on 24. March 1933: „Judea declares war on Germany“.

A third declaration of war came on 7. August 1933 by Samuel Untermeyer, the agent of the World Jewish Economic Federation.

2.) 1 September 1939 - Poland
3.) 3 September 1939 - Great Britain
4.) 3 September 1939 - Australia
5.) 3 September 1939 - New Zealand
6.) 3 September 1939 - France
7.) 6 September 1939 - South African union
8.) 10 September 1939 - Canada
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9.) 9 April 1940 - Norway
10.) 9 April 1940 - Denmark
11.) 10. May 1940 - The Netherlands
12.) 10. May 1940 - Belgium
13.) 10. May 1940 - Luxembourg
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14.) 6. April 1941 - Yugoslavia
15.) 6. April 1941 - Greece
16.) 22. June 1941 USSR (Soviet Union)
17.) 9. December 1941 - China (Chungking government)
18.) 9. December 1941 - France (De Gaulle Committee)
19.) 11 December 1941 - The USA (after German declaration of war)
20.) 11 December 1941 - Cuba
21.) 11 December 1941 - Dominican republic
22.) 11 December 1941 - Guatemala
23.) 11 December 1941 - Nicaragua
24.) 11 December 1941 - Haiti
25.) 12. December 1941 - Honduras
26.) 12. December 1941 - El Salvador
27.) 17. December 1941 - Czechoslovakia (government-in-exile retroactively starting from 15. March 1939)
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28.) 19. January 1942 - Panama
29.) 22. May 1942 - Mexico
30.) 30. August 1942 - Brazil
31.) 1. December 1942 - Ethiopia
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32.) 16. January 1943 - Iraq
33.) 7. April 1943 - Bolivia
34.) 9. September 1943 - Iran
35.) 13. October 1943 - Italy (Badoglio government)
36.) 27. November 1943 - Colombia
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37.) 27. January 1944 - Liberia
38.) 21. August 1944 - San Marino
39.) 25. August 1944 - Romania (after fall Antonescus)
40.) 8. September 1944 - Bulgaria
41.) 31. December 1944 - Hungary (Contra government)
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42.) 2. February 1945 - Ecuador
43.) 8. February 1945 - Paraguay
44.) 12. February 1945 - Peru
45.) 15. February 1945 - Uruguay
46.) 16. February 1945 - Venezuela
47.) 26. February 1945 - Egypt
48.) 26. February 1945 - Syria
49.) 27. February 1945 - Lebanon
50.) 28. February 1945 - Saudi Arabia
51.) 1. March 1945 - Turkey
52.) 3. March 1945 - Finland (rear wall. starting from September 15, 1944)
53.) 27. March 1945 - Argentina
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(Source: The large Ploetz, publishing house Ploetz, Freiburg 1991) The publishing house Ploetz conveniently forgot the Jewish declarations of war so I would like to reierate that here. The Jews had already three times declared war on Germany in 1933.

   The constellation of this table shows very clearly, that the responsibility for the extension of a justified local war to a world war is with the allies.

   In the year 1945 there existed only 60 nations on our globe! Of these 52 had declared war on Germany. Not one of these 52 nations has yet to signed a peace contract (2022). The state of warfare against Germany was thus solidified.

   1948 the UNO (United Nations Organization) was founded by 50 nations. These established the ‘Enemy State Clause’ against Germany, through which a constant policy of blackmail and robbery is exercised against Germany. Compared to the past, there are no longer 50 nations blackmailing Germany but there are now more than 200 today.

   The allied occupation troops have never left Germany. Until February 2015, more than ninety thousand soldiers are stationed and the stationing costs have to be paid by the German tax payers. Alone the US forces maintain more than fifty thousand men at 235 bases. Furthermore, the Allies keep about 100 nuclear missiles aimed at the heads of Germanies citizens for about 50 years.

   Result: The fight went not against the evil Nazis but against the German people to rob and enslave it for an indefinite time. Since 1945 Germany has no sovereignty at all. German democracy is a masquerade and the acting politicians are nothing but allied slaves and actors.

Result: the Christian Allies, in front of them the political class of the USA, plan ahead the genocide of Central Europe. At the beginning was planned to wipe out only the German nation, but in the case of emergency the other European nations have to be debited as a kind of collateral damage. I wonder that those Christian politicians who are responsible for this kind of policy have totally forgotten that all their actions are falling back on them in the future, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, until each evil action is balanced through a good action. There is enough time for compensation because the human spirit is bound to rebirth.

What is the opinion of the Christian Pope in Rome about these problems: he keeps silent for more than hundred years! The universal law of Karma will help him to understand what was his mission!


Books providing the evidence:

Peter Orzechowski "Besatzungszone"

Dr. Matthes Haug "Das Deutsche Reich",


Source: Geheimpolitik-3 08.04.2024